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2023-02-08 14:47:42 來源:安徽省文化和旅游廳   編輯:田雙   

魚燈是傳統(tǒng)民俗舞蹈的道具 ,用竹篾綁扎成魚形狀。它的歷史悠久,歷史歌謠中有記載:“正月里來鬧魚燈,洪武兵馬到浙東。先行大將胡大海,殿后督軍常遇春”。這表明,在明初就有魚燈表演。


Fish Lantern Parade in avillage, Shexian

With the frame made of thin bamboo strips, fish lantern is a kindof prop for traditional folk dance with a history of over 600 years.According to ballads, fish lantern performances appeared as early as the Ming Dynasty.

在我國魚燈藝術(shù)中,無為魚燈享有盛譽(yù),入選第三批國家級非遺名錄。宋人楊元亨《沁園春 •無為燈夕上陸史君》說:“萬斛金蓮,滿城開遍,朵朵留迎學(xué)士歸。”這說明,早在宋朝,無為就有燈彩藝術(shù)。無為依靠長江,境內(nèi)河流縱橫,打漁是許多人謀生的職業(yè)。為了美好的祝福,人們把魚的造型與燈彩藝術(shù)結(jié)合起來,形成了魚燈習(xí)俗。清代《無為州志》說:“十三日至十五上元,為元宵節(jié)......張燈為魚龍及百故事式,酺聚為樂。”這是無為魚燈確切的記載。



Fish Lantern Parade in avillage, Shexian

In the art circle of fish lantern performers in China, Wuwei fishlantern enjoys a high reputation. It has been selected into the thirdnational intangible cultural heritage list. In the old days, Wuwei fishlantern was only performed during the Spring Festival once everythree or five years. The performance is also known as auspiciouslantern or peace lantern show.


Fish Lantern Dance celebrating rich harvest, Wuwei

無為魚燈造型豐富,色彩艷麗,造型小巧,在歡快的鑼鼓節(jié)奏下,歡騰舞動,靈活多變,F(xiàn)在,隨著人民生活水平的提高,玩燈成為農(nóng)閑時的民俗盛事 。

歙縣汪滿田、瞻淇等村子每年元宵節(jié)前后會興魚燈會,祈愿“年年有余”。每年臘月,非遺傳人會制作魚燈。魚燈形式多樣,大的雄壯,小的靈活。大的長約 7 米,高 3 米,額寫“王”字,里面點 100 多支蠟燭,魚嘴還有噴火裝置,嬉燈時需十幾位青壯年抬游,F(xiàn)在為了安全,倡導(dǎo)以電子燈取代蠟燭。

Brightly colorful and rich in design, the fish lanterns made in Wuwei are really attractive. When inperformance, dancers wave the lanterns jubilantly in step with the cheerful rhythm of gongs anddrums. Nowadays, with the improvement of people's life, lantern performance has become a folkcustom in the slack season of farming.

In Shexian County, some villages like Wangmantian and Zhanqi arrange fish lantern performancesbefore and after the Lantern Festival every year as prayers for "better harvest next year".Usually intangible cultural heritage inheritors would start making lanterns in the last lunar monthevery year, and the fish lanterns could be in various sizes, big ones impressive and small onesattractive. The biggest one, about seven meters long and lit inside by over one hindered candles,needs more than ten strong men to carry in performance. For the safety of performers, people areencouraged to use battery-operated lamps instead of candles.


Small fish lantern,the favorite of kids

汪滿田魚燈有數(shù)百年歷史。相傳,村子過去經(jīng)常發(fā)生火災(zāi),有人認(rèn)為原程、葉二姓一為禾旁一為草頭,容易讓木結(jié)構(gòu)房屋著火,也影響到村里的汪姓。汪姓便興起魚燈會,舞得越熱鬧越好,目的是翻浪克火。魚燈逐漸演變成一種習(xí)俗,2021 年進(jìn)入省級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)目錄。

魚燈外,有雜燈,什么花籃燈、五谷燈,獅、猴、豬、牛、羊、兔等動物燈,五彩斑斕,活靈活現(xiàn) 。正月十三至十六,開展舞魚燈祈;顒印R鼓唤蹬R,鑼鼓鏗鏘,煙花照亮夜空,“嬉魚燈”隊伍過祠堂、鉆胡同、走巷弄,寓意鯉魚跳龍門,祈愿風(fēng)調(diào)雨順、年年有余。


給魚燈上彩 Coloring fish lanterns

Wangmantian Village has performed fish lantern forseveral hundreds of years. According to legend, as fireoften broke out in the village, the Wangs started fishlantern dances with the wish that the "fish" could stirwaves to extinguish fire. Gradually, the dance becomesa custom and the performance was listed as a provincialintangible cultural heritage item in 2021.

In the performance of fish lanterns, other lanterns are also used to enhance the attractiveness,such as flower basket lanterns and five-grain lanterns, and even lanterns in the shapes ofdifferent animals like lion, monkey, pig, buffalo, goat and rabbit, all colorful and lovely. Fishlantern performance is usually carried out to pray for blessing from the 13th to the 16th of thefirst lunar month. When night falls, gongs and drums clang, and fireworks light up the darksky. The parades of fish lantern dance groups would pass by the ancestral hall and go throughstreets and lanes, praying for success, promotion, good weather and abundant harvest.




